Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome back!

Welcome to the 2008-2009 school year. New year, new Forge. Look for details coming soon.

The Forge staff

Friday, May 23, 2008

What Capritto can do to improve his image

Ryan Nagy
Staff Reporter

As this is the last issue of the Forge of the year and my last perspectives piece for this school newspaper, I would like to go out by sharing some of my ideas to the school.

First of all, to those who will continue school here: enjoy the moment. It’s easy to look into the future, especially when you become seniors and have universities and opportunities just months away; but try to remember that when you graduate, it’s all over. High school is over and there is no way of going back. So get involved with what the school has to offer, like clubs, or group activities.

I would also like to say that my four years are up, but the timing is fine because I am not exactly a fan of our principal.

Dr. Capritto, there are several things I would like to suggest to you to help how you do things at this school. After having three principals in four years, I would consider myself somewhat experienced with principals and their interactions with the students.

It appears as if you do not have a lot of fun with your job because you are nowhere to be seen during the day. Do you hide in your office, trying to avoid kids? I have seen you only a handful of times on campus between classes and I cannot recall you being on a bulletin this year. Maybe you were on the first one to introduce the new year. Our former principal, however appeared almost weekly to say something to the school.

And yes, although Mr. Turnbull ditched the students for more money, he was in the hall with his shades, talking to students and like Mr. Meister, saying, “Get to class.” But at least he was enjoying surrounding himself with students and in a way, going to high school again. So I encourage you to be visible to the students.

When I do see you, however, you do not do a sufficient job of connecting with the students. For example, when you speak to the students at an assembly, half of them do not pay attention to what you are saying. At least when formal principals Dr. Robertson or Mr. Turnbull spoke to kids, they were captivating, outgoing even and could communicate to us on our level.

So when you are walking around on campus, try to say hi to students, or talk to them.

Many of the administrators have fun with students and I have never seen, or heard of you doing that. For example, during the King of Hearts saga starring Michael Bagdasarian, Mr. Hodges showed up and played a role of an administrator who told Michael that no girl wanted to go to the dance with him. It was hilarious.

But that’s what working at a high school is all about. Of course there needs to be discipline and organization, but that needs to be balanced with a nurturing of the things that makes us kids. The teachers, counselors, security guards, coaches, and everyone on the faculty, understand this (and I hope you can demonstrate this too).

For instance, you took away the two-minute bells to confuse students about the time and prohibit them from socializing. Please don’t say that the two-minute bell is “confusing.” I do not think one of the thousands of students here, at the junior high or anywhere across the nation is confused by this two-minute bell concept. I am glad that they are back, but the fact that they were omitted in the first place, I believe, shows that you cater to the parents, or someone else other than the students, which I find unfortunate because I feel like the students should be your first priority.

Finally, never come after the Forge, or any other school production like you did when Karl Sandrich made his jokes. That was awful how you singled out Danny Langhorne and Ms. Bartz. Your approach to the situation was uncalled for and unprofessional. What’s worse is that even after parents gave you heat, I heard that someone asked you how you would handle the situation differently and you said you would not have changed anything. Dude, wrong answer.

Students need a gregarious, outspoken leader and this year you did not seem to be that way. I hope that next year you can relate to students better and be with them.

Forge editor Zac Estrada's reflection on four years on The Forge

Those who have come to know me in the last four years know that I have had my heart set on being a journalist practically since day one. During those years people didn’t second guess me when I would be holding a camera while sitting in the stands at volleyball games, or how I would be on the sidelines at the football games. They would only have to look over and see me feverishly writing notes on the back of my math homework at any school event.

I remember signing up for Journalism freshman year because I wanted to see if being on the newspaper staff would be able to shake the desire to be a reporter out of me. Being the editor of the Perspecitves pages didn’t do it. However, as young and naive as I was freshman year, nothing really phased me in the process. I just thought it was cool to have my name in print and under “editor.” Plus it was nice to brag about all of the seniors I knew, especially those who thought I was a junior.

Nothing was as much of a thrill and a challenge as being Editor-in-Chief. As a sophomore, I really didn’t know anything about being the top in the staff hierarchy. I hardly knew the software. But I knew I would be up to the task and the rest of the staff stood behind me because it was clear I was most devoted to the paper.

There were hurdles in every issue that, as Editor-in-Chief, I learned to deal with. The King of Hearts center spread of 2006, for example, nearly killed me after I was here until 7:30 at night working on putting together the entire page and hoping our printer hadn’t given away our printing time.

It’s also been an interesting time to be involved in a newspaper, especially in Santa Barbara. After the News-Press meltdown during the summer of 2006, the responsibility of maintaining an accurate record of events not only at SBHS, but in Santa Barbara as well, became increasingly important. As a source of history, the media cannot play favorites and report simply on what the staff wants. Newspapers, especially this one, have a huge obligation to the community they serve.

It was also amazing to write a number of articles for The Forge. For example, I wrote about the director of Ray, Taylor Hackford, who is a graduate of SBHS. And I worked on the campaigns of four city council candidates in November to discover what it was like to knock on doors and call voters at dinner time.

Needless to say, after four years and 51 issues, including an issue I put together with incoming freshmen to teach them how to publish a Forge, I don’t think I’m free of the news bug. I’ve grown to live with deadlines. I’m used to being on the edge of a nervous breakdown every two weeks or so as we send the paper off to the printer. And there’s an incredible feeling when working under the pressure of angry section editors breathing down my neck waiting for a very overdue story.

At the end of last year someone wrote in my yearbook something along the lines of ‘you have a thankless job as the editor of The Forge but you’re really good at it.’ I’ll take that kind of complement even though I don’t really view being part of The Forge as a thankless position. Yes, it’s hard work. Each year’s staff has had personalities so full of quirks that Holden Caulfield would appear normal by comparison. And on certain days while trying to get an issue out, the tension between Danny and me would rival that of the Montagues and Capulets.

But I’m still a journalist at heart. As it turned out there were too many successes and too few follies and ego-crushing moments to destroy my passion for writing, photography, editing, and running a newsroom. I can’t say that five years from now I’ll be working off my student loans as a reporter for a daily news outlet, or that 50 years on I’ll be my generation’s Bob Woodward uncovering a Washington D.C. scandal. What I can say is that five or 50 years from now I can think about my stint at The Forge and know I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Zac Estrada Rosales
Perspectives Editor 2004-05
Editor-in-Chief 2005-07
News and Photo Editor 2007-08

Danny Langhorne's reflection on the last four years on The Forge

With my last issue of the Forge completed I feel like reflecting on my time as a part of the staff. Now that the end has come I start to think about my induction into the paper. I remember during my journalism class on the first day freshman year our adviser, Ms. Bartz, took the entire class to the Green Academy just a short walk up the hill from our classroom. She pointed to the Green Academy and asked us how was school fortunate enough to have such a program. As we all remained silent she replied that this was what journalism was all about, finding out the facts about what is going around us on campus.

After grappling with whether or not I really wanted to be a committed member of the staff as a freshman I went into sophomore year as Entertainment Editor. What helped me decide that I did want to do this was my end of the year project in which each staff reporter is required to put together an entire page that is publishable for the Forge. After completing it I thought that this was something that I could actually do. Becoming Entertainment Editor came with its own problems. I started writing a column on video games because that was the type of writing I liked to read and I knew that there was a population of the school that wasn’t being catered to. But in doing this I got labeled as the “video game guy.” It was then that I became committed to never being referred to that way again. I went on to take more responsibility as Managing Editor and later Editor-in-Chief.

Since then the reactions I have received regarding the Forge have not all been pleasant. I have personally been called immature by Dr. Capritto in my refusal to print a retraction for accurately quoting our Senior Class President Karl Sandrich in the King of Hearts issue. One student told me that we presented information inaccurately, that there are numerous misspelled words (even though we spell check everything before it is printed), and other comments that are not fit for print.

If I have learned anything though from the malicious attacks on former News-Press Editor Jerry Roberts is that people will say anything to discredit and put down a journalist with whom they have a personal problem. I do not liken myself to Roberts in anyway but there does seem to be a common thread in our experiences.

All journalists must take the bad with the good criticism and I have been forced to do this with the controversial topics I have covered during the years. If the Forge has taught me anything it is the ability to take criticism. This would be one of the most important gifts the paper has given me. But it has also taught me to take a stand for myself and good journalism.

From day one our adviser has told us that when people want to know what was going on at Santa Barbara High School in the coming decades the first page of history they will look at the Forge. My only hope is that I have been able to leave a clear picture of SBHS during my time here so that this is possible.

I am extremely proud to have worked with all of the members of the various staffs since I have been here. Last year we were rated as a First Place Paper by the National Scholastic Press Association and were awarded as Gold Medalists by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

The Forge had so many talented seniors that left last year that I have to say that I was concerned about the ability of this year’s staff. My assumptions were quickly put to rest after the first issue of the Forge. This year we had the best staff in my four years on the staff. While some have had trouble with their commitment to the Forge, when the time came to put together this last issue of the year everyone came together and worked hard.

Those who are staying next year have my full confidence in their ability to put out a professional newspaper and I look forward to seeing how they continue this great tradition.

Danny Langhorne
Staff Reporter 2004-05
Entertainment Editor 2005-06
Managing Editor 2006-07
Editor-in-Chief 2007-08

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

On behalf of the Forge Staff of 2008 and the many staffs that Ms. Bartz has advised I would like to thank her for her time, effort, and dedication to The Forge during her time at SBHS. Ms. Bartz has spent countless hours of time reading and editing student work, taking photographs at sporting events, and a variety of other tasks for the paper that have gone above and beyond what is required of her as a teacher and what is compensated by the school district.

But it is not just time and effort that she has given to the students who have walked into the newsroom. Her experience as a newspaper advisor, a member of the journalism community, and a scholar has proved invaluable to all that we do at the Forge. She has also inspired a love for this strange thing we do in dozens of students including myself. It is one thing for an educator to say that they will stand up for a student but it is a different thing entirely for them to actually do so. It is a reality of our field that not everyone agrees with what we always publish and over the years Ms. Bartz has taken heat from administrators, teachers, students, and parents on our behalf; something that is not in the contract of any educator.

Members of the staff will attest to the fact that we do not always agree with her methods or suggestions but after the dust settles when the paper is printed we are thankful for what Ms. Bartz does for the paper. Any confrontation that occurs between members of the staff and her is because we all want each issue to be the best possible.
I think it is easy for some teachers to become detached from the reality that they are working with teenagers that still have some maturing to do. Whenever the staff has had to remind her of this she has taken it with a sense of humor and understanding that I don’t think many people our age would expect an adult to have.

Next year not just this publication but Santa Barbara High School as a whole will be losing a truly valuable resource. The loss will be tremendous to the Forge but the determination that Ms. Bartz helped the senior editors foster among the staff after the devastating robbery in February will continue after she is gone. But with the mantra that has been beaten into us as students at SBHS (once a Don always a Don) the staff and I realize that with such a tight knit community of Santa Barbara which is made even tighter by our love of journalism our adviser will never leave entirely.

Danny Langhorne

Letter: Red Hand Week

Dear Editor,

There are over 250,000 soldiers under the age of 18 actively and illegally fighting in war zones around the world. The Red Hand Campaign is the perfect and easiest way for everyone at SBHS to help put a stop to this. A treaty came into effect in February 2002 banning the use of soldiers under the age of 18 in war. However, as many as 20 of the countries who signed this treaty are not abiding by it. The Red Hand Campaign is an effort to present one million red handprints with signatures to the UN in order to show them that we care deeply about the enforcement of this treaty.

The week of May 27-30 is our “Red Hand Awareness Week” at school and we will be providing multiple opportunities for each and every student to give their handprint and/or signature, and it is very important that everyone participates. We’ll be on the senior lawn as well as wandering around every day at lunch.

There is absolutely no reason not to be a part of this important movement: no money is required, and barely any time. Just show up and be counted. Most importantly, it is a big issue that drastically affects the lives of kids just like us every single day. If these government groups are corrupt enough to use 13-year-olds in combat, they obviously do not stop there. Many children are given a quota for the number of people they must kill everyday in order not to be killed themselves. The psychological damage that is done to hundreds of thousands of children is everlasting. A sixteen year old girl from Central Africa opened up to a Human Rights Watch worker and shared, “I feel so bad about the things that I did. It disturbs me so much that I inflicted death on other people. I still dream about the boy from my village that I killed. I see him in my dreams, and he is talking to me, saying I killed him for nothing, and I am crying.”

In sunny Santa Barbara it is hard to imagine that these things are happening to hundreds of thousands of members of our generation around the world, but they are, and these kids are helpless, but we have a chance to do something about it. The Red Hand Campaign is the perfect way for us to get involved because it gives us the opportunity to make a huge difference in a world problem affecting our peers. All we need to do is dedicate a few minutes of our time to sign our names or leave a handprint. Our collection of red hands and signatures will join the handprints being gathered worldwide and then be delivered to the UN by Human Rights Watch workers and possibly some SBHS ambassadors next February.

Anna Minsky

Staff Editorial: No news might be bad news for students

The impending restrictions on students in the Santa Barbara High School District are starting to get out of hand. Next year there’s a good chance if you use a cell phone or iPod on campus, you’ll lose it. And let’s not forget the dress code changes that could finally be voted on soon.

For better or worse, clothing has come to define who we are as adolescents. Therefore it’s important to decipher what our friends at the District decide to tell us what to wear.

District officials are finally aware that gang members are dressing in clothing that the people important to them can distinguish as one group of hoodlums compared to another.

The intentions are possibly good. It’s reasonable to prevent gangs from affiliating in any way. But once again, we’re being told what to wear. Before long, we could be dressing in olive polo shirts and khaki pants, while girls will be told to wear some sort of plaid skirt that anyone wouldn’t want to be caught dead in.

Moreover, even the District doesn’t know how to say what it wants to do. The first proposal was rejected by the board because the wording in the official code of conduct was too vague, and subsequent votes have been unsuccessful with the board members.

The electronics ban is also a little up in the air. Students may think it’s the end of the days when they can use their phones to text their friends during class, but in fact there isn’t a formal plan to enforce the new district discipline code yet.

Board members don’t want to be painted as the villains in this situation, and they shouldn’t be. It should be simple to ask that students refrain from putting their texting above learning on their priority list of things to do during class. But it hasn’t been that simple.

What strikes everyone as controversial is the idea that students (or teachers for that matter) won’t be given the freedom to use their phones or iPods on their free time at lunch or between classes. But there’s the rub. It’s the little parts of our lives that feel as though they’re being stripped away. But it’s too early to start pointing fingers.

Student clubs raise awareness of children used in combat

Danny Langhorne

Two groups of students on campus have resolved to make a difference in the global fight against the use of child soldiers. The two groups have worked independently to meet this issue head on but as the school year comes to a close both are staging events to spark student activism as students head into the notoriously lazy months of summer.

The first event is called Red Hand Week which is being organized by a group of APPLe students. It has been organized to focus attention on the United Nations’ lack of enforcement of a treaty signed by nations in conflict promising that they would end their use of children in military or logistical activities. One of the event’s organizers junior Anna Minsky said, “Our goal is to let the UN know it is not okay with them not enforcing the treaty in these countries. We want to see something done about it!”

APPLe is conducting this as a part of the international movement called the Red Hand Campaign led by Human Rights Watch, World Vision, and Amnesty International USA. Its goal is to send the signatures and hand prints of a million children and teenagers to the United Nations on the anniversary of the treaty’s signing on February 12, 2009.

The students were introduced to the Red Hand Campaign by a group from UCSB. “Two of the UCSB students have been working as mentors and helping us plan this week. They first came to us right before spring break and we have been planning since early April,” said Minsky.

Vicki Riskin of Human Rights Watch came and spoke to APPLe about the use of child soldiers as one of their monthly speakers and asked them if they wanted to get involved in this movement.

The students involved in the event include Lito Hernandez, Rachel Love, Margo Slaff, Elly Iverson, Brian Joseph, Larissa Lavender, Julie Friedman, Giovanna Acton, Lauren Savet, Madison Taylor, Jackie Jiminez, Ty Vestal, and Kimi Van Wickle.

The other group on campus engaged in the fight against the use of child soldiers is the Invisible Children Club. On Wednesday the club screened the documentary “Invisible Children,” the inspiration for the club, in the theater. The documentary tells the story of a boy named Sunday, a displaced kid living in Uganda who is moved out of his war torn home by the government into a camp where conditions are almost as inhumane as his home.

The Club is the brain child of juniors Billy Grokenberger and Parker Peterson after both of them saw the documentary. “Billy and I went to this screening of this film at Dos Pueblos High and when you see it you want to do something. We thought showing this was the best thing we could do at SB to make a difference,” said Peterson.

Money raised by the Invisible Children club will be sent to Uganda through the Schools for Schools program. Schools for Schools is run by the non-profit organization also called Invisible Children. “All of the money we will raise (at the) screening will go directly into Schools for Schools and through that to Sacred Heart School in Uganda,” said Peterson.

Schools for Schools is a program that helps build schools for displaced and abused children in Uganda through fund raising done by students in the United States. Each participating high school and college in the US is matched up with a school being built in Uganda. According to Parker Peterson the Invisible Children movement was started by, “three guys out of college who decided to take a trip to Africa to see if [the violence] was as bad as they were saying on the news.”

Anna Minksy from Red Hand Week said, “Invisible Children is doing great things on campus... hopefully [they] will just magnify the importance of this issue.”

Wall of Fame adds five new honorees

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor

The Santa Barbara High School Alumni Association and members of the leadership class inducted five new members into the school’s Wall of Fame on May 16 in a ceremony at the SBHS theater.

Charles Ott Jr. ‘37, Peter Jordano ‘52, Sam Cunningham ‘69, Gary Goddard ‘70, and Tom Curren ‘82 were added to the wall.

Other members inducted in previous years include Charles Schwab and Martha Graham.

Ott is a graduate of Stanford. Shortly after his graduation in 1941 he started his army service during World War II. In 1950 he joined the 40th Infantry Division of the California National Guard. In 1974 he was appointed by the President of the United States as Director of the Army National Guard.

Peter Jordano is the CEO of the Jordano’s food supply company in Santa Barbara. He also serves on many community boards.

Sam Cunningham is a former Dons football player and track and field athlete. He later attended USC and was named an All-American in 1972 and Player of the Game in the 1973 Rose Bowl. He had a career in the NFL with the New England Patriots.

Tom Curren is a three-time World Surfing Champion. He rode for Channel Island surfboards and co-designed some of the boards he rode on.

Gary Gooddard wrote, directed, and starred in his own musicals during his time in the SBHS drama department. After graduating, he worked on several Walt Disney projects including The Hoop Dee Doo Wild West Dinner and redesigned and restaged the Polynesian Luau for Walt Disney World. He is the owner of Gary Goddard Productions.

Jewelry instructor leaves SBHS for personal endeavour

Danny Langhorne

Jewelry and sculpture instructor, Ms. Jennifer Rabe, is leaving SBHS after 11 years of teaching. She had been making jewelry professionally before and during her time at SBHS and is leaving to pursue a career in high end jewelry making.

Ms. Rabe’s husband, who is also a jeweler, started his own business three years ago and she is planning to work with him after leaving the education field. and to pursue her own jewelry making.

“I have always wanted to work for myself and I wanted to do it now before I got too old. I also was more comfortable leaving while someone I knew who would be qualified and interested is applying for the job,” said Ms. Rabe.

Because the person she is suggesting for the job is not guaranteed the position of the jewelry teacher she could not release the person’s name.

She was brought into the jewelry program on campus by her predecessor Ms. Lorber in 1997. “[She was] the teacher who introduced me to jewelry here as a student. I am a Don, and she really inspired in me the love for jewelry so I wanted to bring that back to the students,” says Ms. Rabe. After Ms. Lorber left Rabe took over.

The American Gem Trade Association competition awarded Ms. Rabe a first place for the jasper butterfly she submitted to the evening wear category. “I won last year and I am planning to enter this year,” said Ms. Rabe as to whether or not she will continue to enter jewelry competitions.

Even though she will be leaving the education system Ms. Rabe and her husband both still have love for teaching jewelry making. They plan to start making educational videos that will help educate rookie jewelers on a broader scale. “We’re going to make videos that would teach jewelers how to make jewelry that could be sold in a high end store but is simple to make. And even though these pieces would be simple they are still powerful,” said Ms. Rabe.

As to why the school should continue the jewelry program after she is gone Ms. Rabe says, “This school needs art teachers because students need the fine art requirement for the UC’s and elective credits.” To graduate students require elective credits and those applying to campuses of the University of California are also required to take two semesters of the same fine art.

This semester, Rabe also acquired new metal soldering stations which she had been looking to get for the program for the past five years. According to Rabe they have been difficult to get because they are a hot ticket item in the industry.

“I think I will miss the enthusiasm and fun side of teenagers,” said Ms. Rabe. “Students are also so creative and open.”

Those interested in purchasing or viewing Ms. Rabe’s work can go to her website at www.jenniferjoailliers.com.

Alumni Association awards selected seniors with scholarships

Ryan Nagy
Staff Reporter

Thirty-two seniors have been awarded Santa Barbara High Alumni Scholarships this year. At a Santa Barbara High School alumni barbecue held at Manning Park in Montecito on May 17, about 100 parents and alumni met in a ceremony to honor the recipients.

Laura Wilson, the Alumni Board Vice President and Scholarship Chair, says that they look for “students who work hard and who have learned to take advantage of their time at SBHS... We also encourage students who might not have started high school intending to go to college, but who came late to the realization that they could and would study to make it happen.”

The first Santa Barbara High Alumni Scholarship was “given in 1974 for only $50.00,” said Wilson. Since then, however, the association has donated more than $510,000.

The Alumni Association does not just award those who have good grades, or who are involved in a bunch of extracurricular activities; they aim to give students a second chance and help those with, “enthusiasm and perseverance in the face of difficulties.”

All of these scholarships are “donated by alumni or groups of alumni, some with specific goals,“ according to Wilson. “The Class of 1962 Scholarship, for example, is intended for a student who is not (planning) to start a four-year college, but who wants a technical or vocational education.”

Since the program was started 34 years ago, Wilson says the amount of scholarships given out has reached $510,000. She estimates about 600 students have been awarded.

Disconnected: SBHS yet to determine how to enforce district's electronics

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor

By the start of classes in the fall, students walking with headphones in the halls or texting while talking to their friends could possibly be a thing of the past.

Last Tuesday the Santa Barbara School District board voted 3-2 to ban the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones and MP3 players on all campuses during school hours. For students, this will mean they are forbidden to use such electronics until after their last class ends.

But administrators at Santa Barbara High School are not yet sure how the new policy will be enforced in the fall.

At the May 13 meeting, board members Nancy Harter and Annette Cordero were against the policy, calling it unreasonable and unenforceable.

But the other members, Kate Parker Laura Malakoff, and Bob Noel, disagreed, and said students should be spending their class time listening to their teachers, and their free time interacting with other students.

The District does not have a standing rule on the use of electronic devices in class at the moment, but each school has added its own rules over the years. At Santa Barbara High School, all electronic devices are not allowed during class. However it is the teacher’s responsibility to confiscate the device and turn it into the Assistant Principal’s office for the student’s parent to pick up.

Kate Parker, who voted for the amendment to the discipline code, said the new rules ban the usage, not possession of electronics on campus. “Many districts across the nation, including New York City schools, have forbidden the actual possession of cell phones at school,” she said, “but we have not gone that far.”

Assistant Principal Dave Meister said, “the changes to the discipline code will make changes for the better in terms of thefts relating to cell phones and MP3 devices.” He said there have been more than 100 students reporting phones and iPods stolen.

But Meister said that nothing has been made official as far as enforcing the new district policy is concerned. So far there is no plan to monitor the use of cell phones between classes and during lunch.

“Students should be able to carry cell phones with them for a variety of safety reasons,” said Nancy Harter, who cast one of the two dissenting votes. “But phone and iPod use during the school day can present problems from minor interruptions to the more serious prospect of cheating or sharing inappropriate information.”

A policy similar to the one instated by the District is already enforced at San Marcos High School and at the District’s junior high schools.

SBHS economics teacher John Bolitho has his doubts about the new policy. He does not allow phones to be visible during his classes, but not all students follow the rules. “Who is going to enforce it,” he said.

Bolitho said he has personally taken student phones to the AP office to be picked up, but does not make it a regular practice. He also said he did not think the new policy would not cut down on cheating through texting.

Students also have yet to be sold on the idea of not being able to pull out their phones at any point in the day. “It’s problematic because people need to use their cell phones for emergencies and to communicate with parents,” said freshman Michael Starnes. “It will cut down on cheating though. All in all, it’s more important as a device for making contacts.”

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Theft puts damper on theater’s plans

Ian Black
Staff Reporter

For the second time in two years, the theater department has been the victim of a robbery. It was obvious to the head of the theater department Otto Layman, that the robbery was premeditated. “It was obviously planned, and specific things targeted ... except from those things stolen from my office.” The thefts occurred just weeks before SBHS production of Beauty and the Beast which begins performances on May 9.

The list of stolen items is long and includes a projector, a power amp, microphone equipment, computer monitors, a laptop, and a DVD player.

The thefts have greatly affected the theatre department. “We’re trying to pay for a big production, and represent SBHS in Scotland in August and the loss of $17-18,000 worth of equipment is hard to overcome,” lamented Mr. Layman.

According to Mr. Layman, the robbers went through great lengths to steal the items in the theatre and his personal office. The thieves scaled the wall behind the MAD Academy and climbed onto the roof. From there, the thieves pried open the metal grate that covered the window into the dressing room. Then they entered the little gym, and forced open an old door that connected the little gym to Mr. Layman’s office. While in his office, they stole two monitors and a laptop.

Leaving Mr. Layman’s office, they entered the theatre through the big double doors at the back of the little gym, climbed up to the balcony, and stole the projector, power amp, and DVD player. The thieves even used a pair of bolt cutters they found in Mr. Layman’s office to cut the bolt on the sound cabinet and take the microphones.

To prevent this from happening again, Mr. Layman assured his students that “we are installing cameras and will have 24/7 surveillance of the theatre, and all doors into and out of the theatre.”

But more than anything, Mr. Layman feels “violated” and “betrayed,” since he believes that people within the school stole from not just the theatre but also The Forge and the Yearbook.

He finds that although many of the students at SBHS would never do such a thing, the fact there are some that do, “hurts [his] soul knowing we share the same school.”

Mr. Layman is unsure of how exactly the theatre department will purchase new equipment because “we just bought most of the items two months ago to upgrade the system.”

Staff Editorial: Bathroom behavior not to high school standards

A lot of insane things happen at this school. Morp, for instance, is a night most students will probably look back on in 20 years and wonder what they were thinking by wearing three-foot long tube socks, pink spandex, and not much else. And that’s not even talking about what the girls were wearing.

But the latest bit of nonsense comes down from the administrative pipeline in the form of a memo sent to teachers from the assistant principal’s office. It stated that due to the smearing of excrement on the walls of boy’s bathrooms in the 60s wing and the English building, these restrooms were going to be threatened with closure.

The mental breakdown is certainly not on the part of our school’s administration. Instead it lies on the part of the clinically insane students who feel it’s amusing to play with their poop. Wrapping your mind around that image is hard enough. These are the kinds of things teachers told us not to do in second grade, and even then most of us had the sense not to do so. Then imagine ninth or tenth, maybe even 11th or 12th graders, finger painting in the bathroom.

Guys on this campus already have a hard enough time without having more bathroom closures. Girls bathrooms outnumber ones for boys approximately 2-1. And it continues to be a mystery as to why there’s toilet paper on the ground on all of them by 8:30 on most mornings.

To those boys who do not appreciate restroom facilities on campus, do us all a favor and if you must play with your waste, do it in your own bathroom. Then it won’t be the responsibility of our janitorial staff and other students’ problem to deal with.

Forge writers win awards at national convention

The Forge, an award winning student newspaper. So says the staff box on the Perspectives page.

On April 18, six members of The Forge proved once again that statement to be true. I congratulate this year’s newspaper staff as a whole and especially six outstanding journalists who have proven they can be successful in one of the most competitive atmospheres of journalism.

At the national spring convention hosted by Journalism Education Association / National Scholastic Press Association, the six students pitted their skills against more than 1500 students (just a portion of the 4500 students who attended) who participated in the competition phase. Seniors Wendy Echeverria (Voice editor), Zac Estrada Rosales (News and Photo Editor), Danny Langhorne (Editor in Chief), James Yee (Entertainment editor), and juniors Minerva Peralta (Sports Reporter), and Maria Vallejo (Sports editor), attended the convention and competed.

Individual recognition was given to three of them: Danny Langhorne and James Yee earned honorable mentions in commentary and editorial writing, respectively. And Zac Estrada Rosales won an excellent award in news writing.

It takes a great deal of courage to walk into a room full of up to 300 people and pit personal writing skills against other. These Forge staff members did just that.

To sit there, to try to write a perfect story by hand, completing the story and not giving up makes each Forge member who attended and competed an awesome journalist.

Within the three day conference were competitions in every aspect of journalism / media / communication. The structure of the writing contest is a timed, two hour long writing experience. Each competitor needs to listen to a speaker for about 30-40 minutes. Questions are allowed for about 15 minutes to supplement the fact sheet that each student is given. All writing is by hand and must be finished in the time allotted. No breaks are given and if instructions are not followed, the entry is disqualified. The judges are a mix of journalism advisers, professional journalists and college graduate students and professors. There are moderators who, as in any writing test, monitor the situation

This competitive tradition dates to the earliest beginnings of The Forge, as evidenced in our archives. The Southern California Journalism Education Association has a writing and scholarship competition every year. On that organization’s permanent Sweepstakes Trophy, The Forge is listed many times as the winner.

Individual recognition is not the only criteria for being “award winning” Forge. Every year, The Forge sends six representative issues are selected and submitted to the be critiqued and judged by The National Scholastic Press Association and Columbia (University) Scholastic Press Association. Once again, The Forge was awarded a Gold Medal from the CSPA and First Place from NSPA.

I am so proud of them.

-Ruth Bartz
Adviser to The Forge since 1985.

Opinion: Are seniors still awake this late in the year?

Ian Black
Staff Reporter

The same thing is on every senior’s mind: Why am I still here? Right after the end of spring break, school seemed like a formality and senoritis was more infectious than it had ever been.

It is almost impossible to pay close attention in class because most seniors already know their plans for next year, and are looking toward a future of bigger and brighter things. It’s hard to see the point in homework and assigned reading while imagining about how great it will be to graduate.

I know for many students, the one thing holding their attention is the quickly approaching AP tests taking place throughout May. But after that, who knows what’s going to happen.

For many students the year’s workload is over after that time, and class time is nothing more than card games and movies.

The administration threatens consequences for not going to class such as being prevented from going to prom and walking down the hill during graduation if a student has too many unexcused tardies and absences.

But realistically, this isn’t going to make much of a difference. Seniors are still going to come to class late or often not at all because as graduation closes in, they just continue to care less and less.

But for all the seniors out there, just remember there are only twenty-four academic school days left on the year. If we have toughed it out for fifteen and a half quarters, one more half quarter is nothing.

If anything, try and enjoy the last days of high school because you will never get them back. And who knows, maybe ten years from now you will the miss the lack of responsibility and stress that comes with being an adult. I know it’s hard to have this kind of mind set because of all the obvious advantages that come with life after high school, but life comes at you fast, and it won’t ever be the same.

I say keep looking forward to finally getting out of high school, but in the meantime, enjoy your last moments of adolescence.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Crow causes time change in grad ceremony

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor
The time for the 2008 senior graduation ceremony has been moved to 3 p.m. on Thursday, June 12. Students were to walk down the hill at 6 p.m. that day.
Assistant Principal Hodges stated, “the time was changed because of a conflict with a Bowl performance. The change has advantages, that being more time for grads to be with families before departing for Grad nite at Disneyland.”
According to Santa Barbara Bowl director Sam Scranton, the change had more to do with Sheryl Crow’s performance schedule. He stated that Sheryl Crow could only come to Santa Barbara on June 12. Knowing that this is graduation time, he didn’t think the school “would go for it.” Scranton said he then contacted Assistant Superintendent Paul Turnbull, who contacted Principal Mark Capritto.
An agreement with the Bowl and the school district allows concert attendees to park at SBHS for a fee.
Scranton said he and Capritto worked out a deal in which SBHS will receive $5,000 to go towards an undisclosed arts program on campus. “The actual beneficiaries are to be determined through conversations with Mark Capritto,” said Scranton. This would be in addition to the standard rate the district receives for using the school to park cars for Bowl events. The parking attendants for the Bowl will provide parking services for the graduation ceremony.
The Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation will donate $140,000 this year to arts programs in Santa Barbara.

Band Aids: Music likely safe, librarians uncertain as district slashes budget

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor
As the school district scrambles to cut millions of dollars, board members gave a vote of confidence to students, parents, and teachers that their favorite music programs would not be silenced next year. But that did not stop many people from addressing the board and packing into the meeting room on April 8.
“To me, music truly began in school,” said Daniel Hanley, a senior and member of SBHS’ jazz band, in front of board members. “My passion for jazz guitar began in junior high, was nurtured in high school, and will continue to grow as I leave for college and beyond.”
Charlie Ortega, SBHS’ instrumental music teacher, said four performing arts teachers, including himself, have been given pink slip notices from the district. Depending on the amount of retiring teachers and how much the district cuts in other areas, some or all of the layoffs could be rescinded. “I think it is unfortunate that these cuts are happening,” he said. “Ultimately it will be the students who suffer as the number of quality teachers decreases and class sizes increase.”
Before the April 8 board meeting, board members and district officials ruled out sweeping cuts to the arts programs. Kristine Robertson, director of personnel for the district, said that at this point there was no discussion about cutting the band program at any site. Despite this, some classes may be combined in order to reduce the amount of hours a teacher might be needed per day. Something Robertson and Ortega have talked about before would be him teaching at Santa Barbara Junior High as well. “That certainly could be an option for us to look at and an idea that Mr. Ortega talked with me about in the past,” she said.
Deputy Superintendent Eric Smith described the cuts the district is planning to make as the “low-hanging fruit” in the budget.
Still on the table for the next meeting on April 22, is whether San Marcos High School will be able to keep its class sizes at current levels and leave its block schedule relatively intact, and if retiring librarians will be supplanted by librarian technicians.
SBHS librarian Marsha Barr is spreading the word and encouraging people to contact board members and Superintendent Brian Sarvis to continue the use of certificated librarians. Ms. Barr has received a number of supporting letters and she is taking them to the District office. “Isobel Downs wrote a nice letter as did Ms. Salontay. Letters of support have also come from (professional writers in Santa Barbara) Susan Gulbranson, Gayle Lynds, Marcia Meier,” Ms. Barr stated. Members of the public can help the library and other programs by writing letters and attending the April 22 meeting.

Seniors not left napping during STAR testing

Sandra Ruiz
Staff Reporter
Seniors are responsible for being here during testing days. It is like a regular school day. They will attend first period which will be shortened to 30 minutes. Before testing begins, they will head to second period. Second period is extended to 145 minutes.
According to assistant principal David Hodges, seniors will either be in their second period or put into a class of 30 students. Those seniors who are in mixed classes will be put into study halls during the testing period. Testing will be from Monday through Thursday next week.
Study hall is an opportunity for students to focus on getting things done if they are behind and to take advantage to really get help from their teachers. Students will be allowed to work on anything from another class and be offered something else educational.
One day out of the four testing days will be an assembly for seniors which will offer different opportunities such as a hand book that will be handed out about graduation.
Hodges said the main goal is graduating. “Students need to remember that they are graduating soon and don’t have much time and should really focus on graduating,” he said. With less than two months left before graduation, there is little time left and so much to do.
That is why students should use this time to start working on whatever they need to get done and really use their time efficiently.
Seniors are required and expected to be responsible to be here. Many seniors may be upset that they need to be here but this is not the time to miss school. The school loses a lot of money every year for students who do not come to school especially during testing days.
ASB president Jackie Zupsic said that the school has lost millions of dollars per year in absences. Testing week will be both fun and educational.
Hodges said there will be fun events during lunch.
ASB has organized a drawing. Teachers will hand out tickets to students during class. During lunch there will be a DJ and tickets will be drawn. There will be all sorts of cool prizes for the winning tickets.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Catch a wave: Surf club wins big at latest competition and in season

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor

The Surf Club of Santa Barbara High School triumphed over Dos Pueblos’ team in a competition on March 9 at Churches in San Clemente. In the Interscholastic Surfing Federation (ISF) League, the Dons took an 88-5 win, with Chelsea Zaniboni taking first place in the women’s long board category. She also placed sixth in the women’s short board category.

On the men’s side Shane Orr placed the highest among Santa Barbara’s team, with a second place finish in the short board match, and fifth in long board, bested by Tyler Millhollin also from Santa Barbara.

JP Garcia, the advisor for the SBHS Surf Club, was impressed by the team. “As far as our personal achievements, this contest marks the highest point total that the Dons have ever achieved,” he said. Garcia said the conditions that day were close to ideal.

SBHS is part of the Channel League, which according to Garcia includes teams from Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties. The Santa Barbara team gets a “bye” in the final contest scheduled for April 6 at Mandalay Bay. Therefore, the Dons will finish their season with a 4-0 record.

Garcia started the surf club at SBHS four years ago with Mike Fair and Brennan Grace. “When (they) left,” he said, “I decided to keep it going because we had a mutual vision of putting SBHS on the map in terms of surfing competition, at both a state and national level.”

He points to influential surfers who have come out of SBHS, such as Tom Curren, Lauran Yater, Kim Mearrig, and Bobby Martinez as a reason to keep the surfing culture alive on campus. “We wanted to create a team that could continue this legacy.”

Seniors visit annual Shakespeare fest

Danny Langhorne

For more than 25 years, the senior trip to Ashland, Oreg., for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival has been a part of the senior experience.

A busload of 52 seniors drove to Ashland last weekend accompanied by Ms. Callahan, Ms. Guss, and later joined by Ms. Ruth and former SBHS teacher Mr. McEachen.

This year’s trip was exclusively for seniors in AP English Literature classes.

“It’s fun (for students) to go with a group of like-minded students to a fun and beautiful town,” said Ms. Callahan.

During their time in Ashland students stayed at the Bard’s Inn, the traditional hotel for SBHS students.

In order of appearance, the plays that the students saw were The Clay Cart, Welcome Home Jenny Sutter, Fences, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

“Usually there is a weak link in one of the four, which is diappointing, but this time all four were excellent in different ways,” said Ms. Ruth.

Students were fortunate to talk with actors Michael J. Hume (The Clary Cart) and Gwendolyn Mulamba (Welcome Home Jenny Sutter) to discuss their process in being cast for roles, becoming the character and their history with the festival.

The actors talked with students the day after they had seen their respective plays.

Students were given a backstage tour of the theaters by the actors from the festival where they would be watching the various plays.

They showed how much work both actors and stagehands have to put into the hundreds of shows during the season from February to October.

Students had a lot of free time to shop and visit the many different restaurants in Ashland between the different events.

Coffee Shops, Lythia Park and organic restaurants were a few of the places where students could be found passing the time.

Plenty of music and dancing went on in the rooms of students at the Bard’s Inn.

When students filled out their checks to pay for the trip, they were asked to make them payable to the Ashland Shakespeare Club.

According to Ms. Callahan, this was done to keep the money in an account at SBHS.

She attributed the need for an account on campus for easier access to pay for costs of the trip.

A spot on the trip roster cost $370, but payment plans and scholarships were worked out with students who would have trouble paying.

“It is just easier for us to keep the money here rather than going to the school district,” said Callahan.

Staff Editorial: The hero and the heroin

In The Forge’s King of Hearts issue last month, Karl Sandrich, the eventual winner of King of Hearts, was asked was if he had any addictions. His answer was, “Heroin but I don’t like to talk about it.” In no way were we at The Forge asking all six of the candidates if they were addicted to drugs or alcohol. Any attempt that would have been made to omit the quote would have been censorship. That is something that we will not allow. Principal Mark Capritto said The Forge was not at fault for putting it in, but it was bad judgment because there is a problem with some students coming to the homecoming dance intoxicated. The administration claims students’ cavalier attitude toward drug use will be fueled by comments like this. Since Karl is senior class president, the student body knows that he regularly uses humor to motivate and reach students. Sandrich was not serious in his answer.

The Forge Editorial Board, comprised of our adviser, editor-in-chief and news editor, concluded it would be out of line to change what Sandrich said.

The student body is our primary readership, and while we do enjoy seeing parents, administration and teachers reading our paper, The Forge is a reflection of the views of the student body. Ultimately, we concluded it would spark discussion among students, which is our primary goal as a newspaper.

The Forge does not condone drug use or make fun of addiction. We recognize addiction is a serious problem among teenagers. Because of this we think it is important that the paper should help generate discussion this topic.

Almost a month after the story ran, the adviser and editor-in-chief were called into the principal’s office along with ASB adviser Ann Fischer and Sandrich. We were essentially told The Forge was very lucky because if we had been in another school district, this issue would have never of happened. Other administrations screen school papers. We appreciate that The Forge is not censored in the same sense that we appreciate that our school obeys the law. School newspapers have a constitutional right to be free from the censorship of a school administration. It is incorrect to imply we should be grateful for not being censored before going to press. Since its inception The Forge has represented free speech on campus and has no plans to change.

We fail to see the connection and think that trying to hush up teenage drug use is worsening the problem rather than helping solve it. The intense hostile reaction that some administrators and parents have had in response to these comments are only pushing students in the opposite direction. It’s not driving students to smoke or shoot up, but it’s definitely having an adverse effect. Adults who are involved in teenagers’ lives need to take responsibility that they have as much to do with teen drug use as much as peer pressure or the social climate does. Only then can we start to talk through this tension between the two generations. The Forge understands that certain administrators’ jobs are at stake when these issues arise in certain forums. However, it is not The Forge’s duty to censor student quotes.

Opinion: Republicans are in, Dems still have a battle

Ian Black
Staff Reporter

The March 5 primaries and caucuses in Ohio, Texas, Vermont, and Rhode Island wrapped up Arizona Senator John McCain’s dominating GOP campaign as he was solidified as the Republican nominee for President. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee was finally forced out of the election after McCain nabbed the necessary 1,191 Republican delegates to clinch the nomination. It was comical that even though Huckabee never had a chance at the nomination after the first several primaries, he would never publicly admit any sort of defeat. However in the end, the miracle that Huckabee was hoping for never came and he bowed out graciously after the inevitable news reached his campaign headquarters; his fifteen minutes of spotlight were over.

However on the Democratic side, Senator Hillary Clinton broke Senator Barack Obama’s eleven state primary winning streak when she won three of the four states’ delegates including Ohio and Rhode Island, as well as a surprising victory in Texas. This was a disappointment to the Obama campaign which hoped that a victory in either Texas or Ohio would lead to Clinton’s suspension of her campaign.

Yet Clinton’s wins in Texas and Ohio, which hold 193 and 162 delegates respectively, moves her closer to Obama’s delegate total. However because of the proportional delegate nature of the primaries, Clinton’s 51% to 47% victory in Texas and the 55% to 43% in Ohio has not yet given her enough delegates to catch up to Obama, but has given life to her withering campaign. Both candidates are still more than 500 delegates away from clinching the 2,025 necessary to get the nomination.

This was an obvious disappointment for political analysts who smelled blood in the water and hoped that another Obama sweep would wrap up the nomination and embarrass Hillary to the point of the suspension of her campaign.

Yet with her new boost of confidence coming out of the primaries, Clinton is expected to continue her campaign with as much vigor as ever. At this point in time there is no end in sight for the Democratic Party to find their candidate. Unless one candidate makes great strides in the upcoming election, some political analysts are predicting that the nomination will go all the way to the Democratic National Convention in August.

Consequently, it seems that this extension of the Democratic race is actually beneficial to the party. With many more months of media attention to come as the primaries continue, the candidates will have increased time to convince more and more undecided voters to side with Democratic policy.

Regardless of who ultimately wins the nomination, the Democratic Party is excited about a possible Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama president and vice-president combination for the 2008 election. Many are calling this possibility a “dream ticket” for the Democrats with one of the strongest duos in the party’s history.

The next major test for the Democratic candidates is the Pennsylvania primary to be held on April 22.

In Brief: Virtual Enterprise staff organizes recycling meeting

The Virtual Enterprise staff will hold a meeting on Monday, March 17 during fourth period in the school theater to coordinate a number of recycling efforts on campus. Seniors Karen Martinez and Mayra Ponce will lead the meeting.

Eric Lohela, recycling coordinator for the city of Santa Barbara came to the Virtual Enterprise class to help them towards their next competition, which is in the environmental division in Sacramento on March 26.

Out of Lohela’s meeting came the idea to coordinate the environmental efforts on campus. “Lots of students don’t recycle because they are not informed. We want to inform students... and invite (those) who have shown interest,” Ponce explained.

A Polar bear is the mascot for the recycling campaign because of the link between polar bears and the Coca-Cola commercials. It is hoped to catch people’s attention.

Students who wish to attend must first get teacher approval and contact Ponce and Martinez in room 22.

In Brief: ASB officers elected

ASB officers for the 2008-09 school year were announced Wednesday after a school wide vote on Tuesday, March 11.

Luz Cordova took the position of president, beating Carter Crowe. Ty Vestal ran unopposed for Vice President. Caitlin Macker edged out Allie Cole for secretary, and Camillle Phillips took the treasurer’s seat over Lizzy Langhorne. Geena Boscacci and Arumi Salmeron also ran unopposed for the position of Pep & Rally.

The new officers will take office on the first day of the new school year in August.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cash crunch factor in prom relocation

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor

Prom season is still months away, but there are recent developments on that front. Senior Class President Karl Sandrich said that the 2008 prom has been moved from its usual post at Fess Parker’s DoubleTree resort to the exhibit building at Earl Warren Showgrounds.

The change in location has prompted a change in date as well. While Santa Barbara High School has in recent years held its prom over the Memorial Day weekend, this year’s will take place on June 7, the Saturday prior to the graduation ceremony.

ASB and the DoubleTree had trouble reaching an agreement about noise and price concerns. “We felt that the DoubleTree was a bad fit. They were charging $32,000 and most of that for food that in years past was rarely eaten,” said Sandrich.

He points out that the DoubleTree’s policy on noise levels posed problems for the dance itself. “We found out that when dances were held there in the past few people danced because no one could really hear the music,” he said.

The hotel’s management also required the dance end by 11 p.m. At Earl Warren, the dance will now end at midnight.

The biggest benefit to the dance’s change in venue, according to Sandrich, is that the room at the showgrounds will be significantly cheaper. “Now we have more than $25,000 to spend on things such as decorations so we can have a really loud dance,” said Sandrich.

However the largest hurdle to overcome in prom planning for ASB was the lack of funds that burden this year’s senior class. “We have raised a large sum of money, but we still have a way to go before we reach our goal,” said Sandrich.

Money for the senior class has come from the sales of senior shirts and money from the student store, as well as the raffling off of a parking space in the senior lot and fundraising letters students were asked to send off to friends and relatives. “We’re still working with our current fundraisers,” he said. “If necessary we will explore other ideas.”

ASB President Jackie Zupsic said students have nothing to fear about the state of their event. “No one should think that Earl Warren is going to be super lame,” she said. “Prom is going to be awesome.”

CERT training teaches Dons how to stay safe in crises

Danny Langhorne

In November, the Santa Barbara Fire Department approached the administration in forming a teen branch of the Community Emergency Response Team.

It is led by members of the fire department. This semester it is being taught by firemen Matt McBride and Rich Grigouli. “It’s a really good mix of students that represents great aspects of SBHS,” said the program’s coordinator Assistant Principal Dave Meister.

According to McBride the program’s main goal is to train teenagers to help be more prepared in the event of a disaster. He also hopes it will teach them to react safely and do as much good as they can.

The fire department is hoping to create a team of students on campus who can help secure it in the event of a fire or earthquake. Among the tasks they would help with include turning off gas and water mains and assisting in basic first aid. “If we’re overwhelmed because there’s a building collapsed or something, we need you to do the most amount of good in the least amount of time,” Grigouli said to his students recently.

It is a 20 week class that meets on Tuesdays for two hours starting at 2 p.m. Students are able to receive 20 hours of community service for their work. On February 12 the class got some hands-on training when members of the Fire Department came to SBHS to teach students how to properly use fire extinguishers. Under the supervision of the officers students put out fires in a metal container on the senior lawn. In the following week’s class students also learned how to properly check a victim’s airway and breathing. In this particular class they also learned how to turn off the school’s gas mains to prevent a major fire in the event of an earthquake.

The ultimate test of the various skills that they have learned will be used in a school wide disaster drill towards the end of the year. Students will be delegated specific tasks that they would undertake in the event of a real disaster on campus. Mock victims will be spread throughout the campus and it will be the job of CERT students to react to the injuries of each victim.

“The program gives a first hand look at the emergency services and the community and certainly can get students thinking about a future career as an EMT or fire services,” said McBride.

Although the program is looking for interested students to join its class in the fall, McBride said it would be impossible for someone to jump into the program now in time to graduate from the program. CERT is exclusively taught at SBHS, the only school that plans to have one for the near future.

The adult CERT program was developed and implemented by Los Angeles County in 1985. However, it was Whittier Narrows Earthquake of 1987 that alerted emergency services in California of the need to train civilians to respond to disasters.

Brief: Tardy bell under review, new truancy policy

Principal Mark Capritto, amid many student requests, promised at assemblies held with each class in December to reinstate the two-minute tardy bell during passing periods. Since the start of the second semester the bells have been back.

The school’s administration, however, is reconsidering its reinstatement. Capritto said that a query will be conducted after the end of the third quarter on March 21 into whether or not the bell has been an effective incentive in getting students to improve their attendance.

One of the factors that will be taken into account is the implementation of a new policy of dropping students from classes based on attendance. “What I can say is that once a student has been dropped from the class and everybody understands it can happen, the number [of students being tardy or truant] should go down,” said Capritto.

Students were told at the December assemblies that if tardies went back up that the bell would be taken away again.

Dr. Capritto is sticking to his argument that he was making at the beginning of the year, that students need to be responsible for their time in school.

“The idea is to get students to get to class on time. This, while it may appear new to students at SBHS, is not a new concept; holding students accountable for their time evidently is,” said Capritto.

Capritto said there are a group of students that are within days of being dropped from a class.
-Danny Langhorne

Editorial: Senior prom's move causes unrest

A common discussion among seniors this week is where our prom will be hosted. I, and many other seniors, strongly disagree with where our ASB representatives have decided to host prom this spring. They have changed the location to the Earl Warren Show Grounds.

In the past, it has been common, and almost a tradition, to have our senior prom at the Fess Parker DoubleTree. This hotel has a very scenic landscape. The landscape is surrounded with tall beautiful palm tress, the sound of the ocean waves crashing, great outside lighting in the courtyard area, and a gorgeous sunset in the evening. Fess Parker’s DoubleTree is also walking distance to the pier and is near Chase Palm Park which is a great location for taking pictures. Roberts Photography will also be set up on the beach to take our prom pictures. This is a huge convenience to us and eliminates back tracking or going back and forth from locations.

The show grounds is not a convenient location. There is also not a lot of elegant restaurants near the show grounds. How do our ASB representatives expect us to turn a place where horses trot around all day into an elegant enough place for our senior prom?

No matter how many decorations are thrown up, it will still be the Earl Warren Show Grounds which is where we do not want our senior prom!
-Tahjanae Valteau, Senior

Staff Editorial: No place for hate on any school campus

The tragic shooting of 8th grader Lawrence King at E.O Green Junior High in Oxnard is a reminder of how, despite school districts and schools’ attempts across the country to address diversity and acceptance, prejudice still is very prevalent in our schools.

Fourteen-year-old Brandon David McInerney walked into King’s first period English class and shot him in front of two dozen other students. McInerney was later taken into custody by police; prosecutors are seeking to try him as an adult. He is looking at a minimum of twenty-five years in prison with another 25-year firearms enhancement and a one to three year addition for a hate crime.

However this crime was not racially, religiously, or gang motivated. It is suspected that King was shot because he was openly gay and wore feminine clothing. This is the result of the prejudice and hatred that our society casually permits to exist towards the gay community. While the Santa Barbara School District clearly states that it will not tolerate put downs or slurs towards gays, lesbians, trans-gender, or bisexual students, derogatory remarks and chuckling is still heard in the hallways and classrooms at SBHS.

A banner was recently hung in the main hall with a quote from Dorothy Parker Love, “Heterosexuality is not normal it’s just common.” It was part of a campaign by Dons for Change as part of Diversity Month to help inspire students to be tolerant. A few days after the banner was put up it was torn down by a group of students.

Members of the religious right have perverted the Bible to justify banning of same sex marriages, gay adoption, and bigoted violence and hate. While this might not be what motivated these students to do this it certainly shows that some of our religious and political leaders who claim to be role models are putting kids on a potentially lethal path.

For our parents’ generation it was the struggle for civil rights. People in Citizen Councils and other white supremacist groups across the country (including in Santa Barbara) were as open about hating people based on the color of their skin as people openly are to gays today.

As a part of diversity month The Forge would like to remind students to take heed of the school shooting in Oxnard, that our words can have very real repercussions.

The kind of blind hate that drove the junior high school student to walk into a class and shoot a schoolmate is an indicator that hatred and prejudice is still keeping many people from the American Dream of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

29th of February brings with it an odd history

James Yee
Associate Editor

There is a strange occurrence that happens only once every four years. It happens in years evenly divisible by four, like 2000 and 2004. Most would jump up and yell, “presidential elections,” citing years President Bush was elected Yet this occurrence has nothing to do with presidential elections. This strange occurrence is Leap Year, in which we have 366 days in the calendar year instead of 365 days. This is because our usual year is not exactly 365 days, but rather 365 days and six hours each. To make up for this, we add an extra day every four years and call it Leap Year.

This additional year, which lands between February 28 and March 1, has sparked many crazy traditions. In 13th Century Scotland. Queen Margaret, Queen of Scotland at the time, made it legal for women to offer a proposal of marriage to men on February 29 every Leap Year. If a man rejected her, he had to soften the blow by giving her a kiss, one pound currency, and a pair of gloves. This tradition also grew in popularity in countries like France and Switzerland.

This day has also been the date of interesting events. Christopher Columbus used his knowledge of a lunar eclipse that night to get supplies from Native Americans on February 29, 1504. In 1916, South Carolina raised their minimum working age in factories, mines, and mills from twelve to fourteen years old. When Leap Day 1940 rolled around, Hattie McDaniel became the first African American to win an Academy Award for her role as Mammy in Gone With the Wind.

February 29 also was the birthday of plenty of interesting people. Ann Lee, American founder of the Shakers, was born on February 29, 1736. Chilean-American novelist Gonzalo Lira was born in 1968. American rapper Ja Rule was also born on a leap year in 1976. Chris Conley, an American musician/songwriter active in bringing Crohn’s Disease to light, took his first breath in 1980.

February 29 is sometimes seen as having a coat of superstition. Because February 29 happens only once every four years, some feel that it breaks the normal pattern which allows things that don’t ordinarily happen to take place. They link February 29 to particularly perilous events because of a notion of “betwixt and between.” This is probably in the same vein of superstitions about ghosts coming into our world at midnight, when believers fear being haunted by ghosts in that “dark hour.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Staff Editorial: Down, but definitely not out

Friday, February 1 will go down in infamy for the staff of The Forge. When most of the staff was informed of the incident during third period that day, you could hear a pin drop while you saw the wide open mouths of some reporters. The first thoughts running through their minds when they heard five of our computers and a camera and a scanner and a printer were stolen was, “Is my work OK?”

While that question may sound self-centered in a time of crisis, it’s not at all without reason. It may come as a shock to some people at Santa Barbara High School, but The Forge does not have the ability to turn out a 12-page issue at the drop of the hat. It takes weeks of planning and hours of painstaking labor in front of a computer screen.

The Forge may have been robbed of roughly $12,000 of property but there is no monetary value for the hours of work lost and some of the artifacts on those computers that can never be duplicated. That is absolutely heartbreaking for the students most of all. The roughly 25 staff members, and the 25 students in the beginning Photography class, are the real victims in this case.

Nevertheless, every dark cloud has a silver lining. The issue in front of you today was the result of the incredible devotion our staff has to this paper. We spent our nights and weekends putting together the pieces of what we had left, to produce our planned issue. In the nearly century of Forges, there has never been an issue postponed. Staff members have been caught on the wrong end of landslides and have their houses ruined by floods, but the paper always comes out.

Here’s the basic truth: it’s students who put The Forge together. Our teacher advisor is there mostly to proofread some pages and lock the door when we leave. Those in charge of ASB and the TV bulletin understand that there is so much more work that goes into the product than most people realize.

We thank the Santa Barbara Daily Sound and the Independent for publicizing our story last Saturday, and Noozhawk.com for the story and offering to collect donations to help us pay for new equipment. Dr. Capritto is also commended for his pledge of $6,500 towards new equipment as well. And to Ms. Light and the yearbook staff for offering the use of their equipment even after their own break-in the same week and the loss of some of their own computers.

It’s absolutely pointless for the staff to keep dwelling on this issue. We resist making ourselves the front page story because we aren’t the news, we simply cover the news, and then move on.

Gangs of Santa Barbara: There’s clearly a problem, but is there a solution?

Zac Estrada Rosales
Associate Editor

Timing is a funny thing isn’t it? It was no more than three weeks ago that I thought, “Yeah, there’s crime in Santa Barbara, but it’s not that bad compared to just about everywhere else.” I’m eating those words as we speak.

The events of February 1 change my view on the whole gang issue. Not that I suspect gangs were behind our break-in, but that there are some issues in Santa Barbara that aren’t being addressed that pertain to high school students. For almost a year now the majority of students have had it ingrained in their minds that there is definitely an increased gang presence in town. One dead teen behind Saks Fifth Avenue in broad daylight a year ago will do that. But stabbings that happen almost on a weekly basis and the sometimes shady characters lurking around on State Street are the start of a recipe for communal panic.

I’m stopping myself short of sounding like the News-Press’ gang gadfly Travis Armstrong, who lists off the problems on a weekly basis, who lambasts the wrong local leaders and never criticizes the ones who deserve it, ignoring the irony that after police officers won a hefty pay raise the crime rate goes up, and creates more pandemonium among the News-Press’ tens of readers.

Last spring, immediately following the first stabbing on State Street, I recall being completely confused by our school’s plan to tell all of its athletes in a quickly-assembled assembly to tell everyone to avoid the downtown area that weekend and let people know that we’re proud to be Dons, meaning that if we go walking around in clusters we should all wear clothing that said SBHS on it. Yeah, like I’m really going to do that.

There are two problems in this town, as much as they don’t want to hear it. The people giving the go-ahead to projects such as the teen center aren’t exactly in tune with the interests of the hooligans making life busy for the journalists and fun for Mr. Armstrong. So while the grown-ups are out of touch, the other problem at hand is the fact that the kids don’t want to follow. The teen center is a brilliant idea in theory, but the question remains: has it really caught on? I don’t think it’s really struck a chord with the kids who really don’t have a place to go and end up wandering the streets and getting into trouble.

During the city council elections last fall, I listened to all of the candidates and spoke with many of them. One in particular, Michelle Giddens, was most interested in pursuing the issue. And at her election party on the night results came in, she said even if she didn’t end up getting a seat on council, she’d work actively to crack down on the gang problem in Santa Barbara.

It’s not just those with political aspirations who want to help. At a community meeting I attended way back in June of last year, I saw countless parents, neighbors, and even children get up in front of government, business, and school leaders, and pour their hearts out over how they’ve seen people they knew as children stabbed on the street. Everyone wanted to know what they could do to prevent that from happening more than it already is now. No one had anything new.

There is one answer and it’s pretty simple: don’t join a gang. But that response is more convincing to some than it is to others.

Newly elected freshmen step into office

The newest officers to ASB were elected late last month. Pepe Gil and Clifford Anderson took the freshman president and secretary/treasurer seats, respectively. In a runoff race, Katy Villanueva won the office of freshman vice president.

“It feels good to know that the freshman class went out and voted,” said Gil. “I look forward to the rest of the year.”

Vice President Katy Villanueva said her campaign, “was hard work, but it felt like an accomplishment.” She has been in the ASB class since the beginning of the year and said she is looking forward to helping more with school events.

Clifford Anderson meanwhile, was taken aback by the election results. “It was a surprising win for me,” he said. Anderson is new in ASB this semester but is also looking to help and get more involved with SBHS.

More ASB elections will be held later in the year for positions such as ASB officers, and senior, junior, and sophomore class officers.

C-Span bus makes Santa Barbara stop

Danny Langhorne

As students strolled out of their second periods last Thursday a behemoth waited for them at the flag round about in front of the school.

After stopping at city hall in San Luis Obispo and UCSB the C-Span Election 2008 Bus rolled onto the grounds of SBHS at 10 a.m. on January 31.

AP Government teacher Mr. Gamble pushed for the bus to specifically come to SBHS. “Anything that can get students more engaged in the political process is a great thing. These type of events help show young people that politics is important and approachable,” said Gamble.

Students were invited in groups of 10 to 12 for 10-minute periods to learn more about C-Span.

The goal of the crew of the bus including Matthew S. McGuire, National Accounts Executive for C-Span, was to educate students about what the channel is all about just days before California held its primary with twenty-two other states.

“The great thing about our Network is that we show everything from start to finish. Commercials take a lot of time out of showing the event so that’s why we don’t show any,” said McGuire.

Students were given a sit down tour of the 45 foot-long mobile TV-studio. After a brief summary of the history of C-Span the crew went on to discuss how they can produce a show on board with the video and sound equipment of a professional TV studio. The mobility of the bus allows them to broadcast to their headquarters in Washington D.C. spontaneously with presidential candidates or other politicians either outside the bus or inside the bus’ interview area.

The C-Span representatives were able to show this with a video of an interview with former president Bill Clinton that was taken in 1995 in the White House’s driveway.

The C-Span Bus has been traveling across the country, stopping at town halls and schools to address people’s misconceptions. “We’re not going to tell you who to vote for,” said McGuire.

The bus was invited to Santa Barbara by Cox Cable.

Law and Order: Mock Trial team prepares for face off against area schools

Zac Estrada Rosales
News Editor

Often lurking in the school’s field house long after the athletic teams have ended practice, Santa Barbara High’s Mock Trial team is working to perfect their arguments in preparation for scrimmages against other schools. These, in turn, are practice for the upcoming county competitions starting February 23.

Team advisor Mike Moyer said he’s impressed with this year’s team, which is largely headed by the six attorneys. “Everyone on the team has wowed us with their dedication and work ethic,” he said. “We’ve had scrimmages the last three Saturdays against non-county teams and it’s been fun to watch the team grow. We’ve been practicing since September and everyone is very excited to compete this year.” This year is Moyer’s first year advising the team. “I was a pre-law student at UCSB so I’ve always been intrigued by the law.”

Seniors Karl Sandrich and Brett Silverman and sophomore Ken Myers lead the prosecution side, while seniors Aubrey Toole, Jackie Rotman, and Cole Patterson side with the defense.

“I got into Mock Trial because it increases public speaking capabilities,” said Myers. “It allows me to think on my feet, and it is a great challenge.” Myers, much like the other attorneys, spends between five and six hours per week preparing for his role. Attorneys and witnesses are required to memorize their scripts, but must also know the case well enough to improvise during cross examination from the opposing team.

In a Mock Trial team, there is one fictional case given to all of the teams in the state. This year’s case, People v. Palmer, has the defense protecting their client, Alex Palmer, from being convicted of the murder of Hollywood producer and friend Jes Markson.

To help with the creation of questions and answers for the eight witnesses, Clark Stirling, Robert Curtis, Michael Berger, and Ken Rotman guide the attorneys and their witnesses.

While the team has been scrimmaging against schools such as Buena and Simi Valley High Schools in recent weeks, the next hurdle comes in two weeks at the first county competition at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse. Eleven teams from the county will be vying for a spot to represent the area in the State Finals in Riverside later this year. The team encourages the school to come out and support this team.

Moyer’s biggest draw to the team is the students themselves. “What hooked me more than anything was spending time with the students on the team,” he said. “They are truly an amazing group.”

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Breaking News: Forge newsroom vandalized

On the morning of February 1, room 72 at Santa Barbara High School, where The Forge produces its editions, was robbed of five computers, one scanner, one printer, and a personal Nikon D40 camera. CSI investigators were on campus Friday morning also to look into another robbery on campus. Earlier in the week three computers were stolen out of the yearbook's office, located in room 71, adjacent to The Forge.

The Forge's planned issue will be published as scheduled on February 8 along with the King of Hearts center spread. Look for more details on this website.