Thursday, May 1, 2008

Staff Editorial: Bathroom behavior not to high school standards

A lot of insane things happen at this school. Morp, for instance, is a night most students will probably look back on in 20 years and wonder what they were thinking by wearing three-foot long tube socks, pink spandex, and not much else. And that’s not even talking about what the girls were wearing.

But the latest bit of nonsense comes down from the administrative pipeline in the form of a memo sent to teachers from the assistant principal’s office. It stated that due to the smearing of excrement on the walls of boy’s bathrooms in the 60s wing and the English building, these restrooms were going to be threatened with closure.

The mental breakdown is certainly not on the part of our school’s administration. Instead it lies on the part of the clinically insane students who feel it’s amusing to play with their poop. Wrapping your mind around that image is hard enough. These are the kinds of things teachers told us not to do in second grade, and even then most of us had the sense not to do so. Then imagine ninth or tenth, maybe even 11th or 12th graders, finger painting in the bathroom.

Guys on this campus already have a hard enough time without having more bathroom closures. Girls bathrooms outnumber ones for boys approximately 2-1. And it continues to be a mystery as to why there’s toilet paper on the ground on all of them by 8:30 on most mornings.

To those boys who do not appreciate restroom facilities on campus, do us all a favor and if you must play with your waste, do it in your own bathroom. Then it won’t be the responsibility of our janitorial staff and other students’ problem to deal with.

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